Help Stop Spam

The Definitive Answer on How You Can Help Stop Spam

Here is how you can help stop spam forever… It’s simple:

  • Do not buy their products or use their services.
  • Do not click on any links in the message.
  • Do not reply to them to complain.
  • Do not use their “unsubscribe” link as that will just let them know your email address is active.
  • Do not post or forward the messages to alert others or complain on Social Media.
Help Stop Spam! – Warning a Web Site Who’s Time Should be Past

This is some unbelievable “gall”- in both definitions of the word: 1) bold, impudent behavior and 2) the contents of the gallbladder; bile. 

The online dating website not only bombs their own paid Members with all kinds of annoying advertising but recently began to post Fake “Virus Found” Warnings on their live pages! This is not some hacker’s work this is being posted on the page as legit advertising by the owners of this waste of digital space. 

WARNING: Everyone should be aware and not give any money. 

This is an all time low. But I suppose it is indicative of “Our Time” that we live in. 

Fake Virus Found Our Time Ad
Capture of a page in showing Fake “Virus Found” Ad shame on you! 

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